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My Story

I'm inspired by life and the adventure that's waiting around every corner.


Born in Vietnam, my family arrived to the United states when I was 3.  Growing up with very little, I learned to appreciate everything that life has to offer.  It's the moments that mean the most.


Life is a miracle where you can choose your own adventure. As an influencer, I believe that we choose where we go, what we do, and how we do it.  Although the options may not all be there right now, we are always left with a choice.


In my travels, I like to explore cultures and ways of life. There is always more to just the thing or the place.  It is our responsibility to preserve nature and contribute to progress and sustainability of the land and the people who developed it.  Travel is not only about the destination, it's the culture of the people and the environments that make it magical. As invited tourists, we have an obligation to respect the places we visit, create the best memories of a lifetime, and live adventurously always.


Adventure awaits!


~ MissCindyLien

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